Wednesday, May 6, 2020
AIDS The Man
AIDS: The Man-Made-Monster Essay subject = Humanitytitle = Aids: Man-made monsterAIDS: The Man-Made-MonsterInan extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of Top Secret,Prof. J. Segal and Dr. L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-madedisease,originating at Pentagon bacteriological warfare labs at Fort Detrick,Maryland. Top Secret is the international edition of the German magazineGeheim and isconsidered by many to be a sister publication to the AmericanCovert ActionInformation Bulletin (CAIB). In fact, Top Secret carries theNaming Namescolumn, which CAIB is prevented from doing by the American government,andwhich names CIA agents in different locations in the world. The article,namedAIDS: US-Made Monster and subtitled AIDS its Nature and its Origins,islengthy, has a lot of professional terminology and is dotted with footnotes. AIDSFACTS The fatal weakening of the immune system which has given AIDS itsname(Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome), write the Segals, has been tracedbackto a destruction or a functional failure of the T4-lymphocytes, alsocalledhelper cells`, which play a regulatory role in the production of antibodiesinthe immune system. In the course of the illness, the number of functionalT4-cells is reduced greatly so that new anti-bodies cannot be produced andthedefenseless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that underothercircumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die fromopportunisticinfections rather than from the AIDS virus itself. The initial infection ischaracterized by diarrhea, erysipelas and intermittentfever. An apparentrecovery follows after 2-3 weeks, and in many cases thepatient remains withoutsymptoms and functions normally for years. Occasionallya swelling of thelymph glands, which does not affect the patients well-being,can be observed. Afterseveral years, the pre-AIDS stage, known as ARC (Aids- Related Complex)setsin. This stage includes disorders in the digestive tract, kidneys andlungs. In most cases it develops into full-blown AIDS in about a year, at whichpointopportunistic illnesses occur. Parallel to this syndrome, disorders invariousorgan systems occur, the most severe in the brain, the symptoms ofwhich rangefrom motoric disorders to severe dementia and death. This set of symptoms,say the Segals, is identical in every detail with theVisna sickness whichoccurs in sheep, mainly in Iceland. (Visna means tirednessin Icelandic). However, the visna virus is not pathogenic for human beings. The Segals notethat despite the fact that AIDS is transmitted only throughsexual intercourse,blood transfusions and non- sterile hypodermic needles, theinfection hasspread dramatically. During the first few years after itsdiscovery, the numberof AIDS patients doubled every six months, and is stilldoubling every 12months now though numerous measures have been taken againstit. Based on thesefigures, it is estimated that in the US, which had 120,000cases of AIDS atthe end of 1988, 900,000 people will have AIDS or will havedied of it bythe end of 1991. It is also estimated that the number of peopleinfected isat least ten times the number of those suffering from an acute caseof AIDS. That in the year 1995 there will be between 10-14 million cases ofAIDS andan additional 100 million people infected, 80 percent of them in theUS, whilea possible vaccination will not be available before 1995 by the mostoptimisticestimates. Even when such vaccination becomes available, it will nothelpthose already infected. These and following figures have been reached atbyseveral different mainstream sources, such as the US Surgeon General and theChiefof the medical services of the US Army. AIDS does not merely bring certaindangers with it; it isclearly a programmed catastrophe for the human race,whose magnitude iscomparable only with that of a nuclear war, say the Segals. They later explain what they mean by programmed, showing that the viruswasproduced by humans, namely Dr. Robert Gallo of the Bethesda Cancer ResearchCenter in Maryland. When proceeding to prove their claims, the Segals are carefulto note that:We have given preference to the investigative results of highlyrenowned laboratories,whose objective contents cannot be doubted. We mustemphasize, in this connection, that we do not know of any findings that havebeen published in professional journals thatcontradict our hypotheses.DISCOVERINGAIDS The first KNOWN cases of AIDS occurred in New York in 1979. The firstDESCRIBEDcases were in California in 1979. The virus was isolated in Paris inMay 1983,taken from a French homosexual who had returned home ill from a tripto theEast Coast of the US. One year later, Robert Gallo and his co-workers attheBethesda Cancer Research Center published their discovery of the samevirus,which is cytotoxic. ( i.e poisonous to cells )Shortly after publishing hisdis covery, Gallo stated to newspapers that thevirus had developed by a naturalprocess from the Human Adult Leukemia virus,HTLV-1, which he had previouslydiscovered. However, this claim was notpublished in professional publications,and soon after, Alizon and Montagnier,two researchers of the Pasteur Institutein Paris published charts of HTLV-1and HIV, showing that the viruses hadbasically different structures. They alsodeclared categorically that theyknew of no natural process by which one ofthese two forms could have evolvedinto the other. Ordeal by Cheque: The life of Jr EssayThus began a phase of frantic experimentation, saythe Segals. One group was working on trying to cause animal pathogens to adaptthemselvesto life in human beings. This was done under the cover of searchingfor a curefor cancer. The race was won by Gallo, who described his findingsin 1975. Ayear later, Gallo described gene manipulations he was conducting. In 1980 hepublished his discovery of HTLV. In the fall of 1977, a P4 (highestsecurity category of laboratory, in whichhuman pathogens are subjected togenetic manipulations) laboratory wasofficially opened in building 550 ofFort Detrick, MD, the Pentagons mainbiological warfare research center. In an article in Der Spiegel`, Prof. Mollings point out that this type ofgene manipulation was still extremelydifficult in 1977. One would have hadto have a genius as great as Robert Gallofor this purpose, note the Segals.Loand behold. In a supposed compliance with the international accord banningtheresearch, production and storage of biological weapons, part of FortDetrickwas demilitarized and the virus section renamed the FrederickCancer ResearchFacility. It was put under the direction of the CancerResearch Institutein neighbouring Bethesda, whose director was no other thanRobert Gallo. Thishappened in 1975, the year Gallo discovered HTLV. Explaining how the virusescaped, the Segals note that in the US, biologicalagents are traditionallytested on prisoners who are incarcerated for longperiods, and who are promisedfreedom if they survive the test. However, theinitial HIV infection symptomsare mild and followed by a seemingly healthypatient. Those who conductedthe research must have concluded that the new viruswasnot so virulentthat it could be considered for military use, and thetest patients, whohad seemingly recovered, were given their freedom. Most ofthe patients wereprofessional criminals and New York City, which isrelatively close, offeredthem a suitable milieu. Moreover, the patients wereexclusively men, manyof them having a history of homosexuality and drug abuse,as is often thecase in American prisons. It is understandable why AIDS broke out preciselyin 1979, precisely among menand among drug users, and precisely in New YorkCity, assert the Segals. Theygo on to explain that whereas in cases of infectionby means of sexual contact,incubation periods are two years and more, whilein cases of massive infectionvia blood transfusions, as must have been thecase with prisoners, incubationperiods are shorter than a year. Thus, ifthe new virus was ready at thebeginning of 1978 and if the experiments beganwithout too much d elay, thenthe first cases of full-blown AIDS in 1979 wereexactly the resultthatcould have been expected.In the next three lengthychapters, the Segals examine other theories,legends as they call them,of the origins of AIDS.Dissecting each claim,they show that they haveno scientific standing, providing also the findingsof other scientists. They also bring up the arguments of scientists andpopular writers who havebeen at the task of discounting them as conspiracytheorists and show thesewriters shortcomings. Interested readers will haveto read the originalarticle to follow those debates. I will only quote twomore paragraphs:Weoften heard the argument that experiments with human volunteers are part ofabarbaric past, and that they would be impossible in the US today We wishtopresent one single document whose authenticity is beyond doubt. Aninvestigativecommission of the US House of Representatives presented inOctober 1986 afinal report concerning the Manhattan Project. According to thisdo cument,between 1945 and 1975 at least 695 American citizens were exposedto dangerousdoses of radioactivity. Some of them were prisoners who hadvolunteered,but they also included residents of old-age homes, inmates ofinsane asylums,handicapped people in nursing homes, and evennormal patientsin publichospitals; most of them were subjected to these experiments withouttheirpermission. Thus the barbaric past` is not really a thing of the past.Itis remarkable that most of these experiments were carried out in universityinstitutesand federal hospitals, all of which are named in the report. Nonetheless,these facts remained secret until 1984, and even then aCongressional committeethat was equipped with all the necessaryauthorization needed two years inorder to bring these facts to life. We areoften asked how the work on theAIDS virus could have been kept secret. Now,experiments performed on a fewdozen prisoners in a laboratory that issubject to military security can befar more easily kept secret than couldbe the Manhattan Project.
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